February 11, 2025

1 thought on “What Do You Do, If It’s All Just The Same… Again

  1. What a fantastic topic Shaun, because so many people get stuck over and over again. I had an experience this year that really shook me but it was the best thing that has happened to me in years. After 14 years in recovery from addiction and alcoholism I drank. And it hit me wtf am I doing? For the first 24 hours I beat myself up and put myself down. Then I understood what had happened. I had been staying in the same painful situation that I had been in for years, with the pain building up… expecting somehow for a miracle and that something would change. My slip forced me to take a good hard look at where I was and I knew that I had to make the changes I was too scared to make. Instead of moping around feeling sorry for myself I made those changes that I had been dreading and wow what a difference! Have you read “Fuck It – The Ultimate Spiritual Way”? by John C Parkin? I read it years ago and it was a great read. I thought of that book while I read your post.

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