Things Men Don’t Want to Admit, But Should

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While women are often seen as complex beings who are in tune with their emotions, men too have their complexities, a bouquet of thoughts and feelings that we generally prefer to lock away in a hidden chamber of our minds. It’s a room labelled “Do Not Enter, Especially Not with a Sense of Humour!

The Superman Complex: I am Invincible!

This complex usually develops in the pre-adolescent phase and can last a lifetime if not checked. The idea that we are invincible and that nothing could ever go wrong is a narrative many of us subconsciously subscribe to. Of course, the evidence is overwhelmingly against us—gravity, ageing, and a plethora of responsibilities steadily disprove this belief. Yet, the invincible youth inside us continually ignores things like back pain and skyrocketing cholesterol levels. One day, we’re jumping off roofs pretending to fly, and the next, we’re contemplating whether that two-story leap was the reason our knees creak louder than a rusty door hinge.

Selective Hearing: I Only Hear What I Want To

Men have the peculiar ability to develop selective hearing, especially when the conversation involves tasks or commitment. “Could you take out the trash?” sounds more like “mumble mumble trash mumble,” conveniently muted by the sounds of a sports game in the background. The art of selective hearing isn’t something taught; it’s an innate skill, a defence mechanism developed over years of being asked to do things we’d rather not do.

Emotional Russian Roulette: I’m Not Crying, You’re Crying

If you dig deep enough through the layers of masculinity, you’ll find a geyser of emotions ready to erupt. But we men like to play emotional Russian Roulette. While we’ll gladly share feelings of anger, excitement, and joy, the more vulnerable emotions—like sadness or insecurity—are kept sealed until that rare moment of emotional vulnerability, often aided by a touching movie or an emotionally charged sports event.

I’ve Got This: The Illusion of Total Control

The belief that we have everything under control is a common illusion. You’ll find this in the wild terrain of IKEA, where we insist that we don’t need the instructions to assemble a piece of furniture. Two hours and multiple misplaced screws later, we reluctantly glance at the instruction manual only to realise that we’ve been holding the main board upside down the entire time.

The Silent Type: My Grunts are a Language

We men often think we can communicate effectively through a series of grunts and nods. This language, understood only by us, can convey a range of meanings from “I’m hungry” to “I disagree, but I can’t be bothered to articulate why.” It’s like a secret code, incomprehensible to those not initiated into the world of masculine minimalism.

The Relationship GPS: I Know Where This is Going

In relationships, many men think they possess a sort of GPS that allows them to gauge the future of the relationship. Unfortunately, like a malfunctioning navigation system, it often leads us into dead-ends or, worse, into a never-ending loop of misunderstandings and miscommunications.

The Charade of ‘I Don’t Care’

Perhaps the biggest lie that men often tell themselves is that they “don’t care.” Whether it’s about what to have for dinner or the outcome of an argument, the facade of indifference is a defence mechanism, a shield that protects us from the fear of appearing too invested or emotional.

Shaun Zietsman

Blogger and Content Creator from Johannesburg, South Africa.

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