With the echoes of applause still resonating from a triumphant European tour, the Zip Zap Circus is packing its trunks and setting its compass towards the heart of Johannesburg. South Africa’s homegrown talent is primed to step back into the spotlight at The Teatro at Montecasino, dishing out the magic of MOYA from 31 August to 10 September 2023.
Zip Zap Circus, a mesmerising ensemble of unique characters and gravity-defying performances, has dazzled more than 350,000 spectators across France and Switzerland. Now, answering the overwhelming clamour for their return, the troupe is set to give Johannesburg audiences a taste of their show-stopping magic once more.
The spectacle of MOYA — a word imbued with the spirit of South African roots — is more than just a performance. It’s the pulse of a non-profit organization that has flung open its doors to thousands of South African youth over the past 31 years, offering them a chance to dream, create and inspire, free of charge. Through the thrills and spills of circus life, the youth learn that a sense of belonging can drastically reshape their narratives, fostering hope, resilience and a collective identity.

Re-imagined and rebooted, this run of MOYA promises to be a foot-stomping, heartwarming event, brewing a magical concoction of nail-biting aerial performances, a masterclass in juggling, riveting acrobatic wheel routines and a whole lot more. This is an experience sure to captivate every member of the family, teasing out wide-eyed wonderment and leaving hearts pounding in exhilaration.
At the heart of MOYA is Trompie, played by Jacobus Claassen, whose personal journey echoes the transformative power of the circus. Claassen’s tale of triumph over adversity serves as an inspirational testament to the circus’s potential to rewrite lives, offering second chances to those who are willing to take them.
Yet, the heartbeat of MOYA also pulses in its music. The rhythm and soul of the show have been amplified, owing to the talents of former Freshlyground bass player, Josh Hawk. The soundscape brims with local voices and the lyrics of Zip Zap performer, Jason Barnard, tell a story of struggle, hope, and ultimately, joy.
The magic of MOYA is also kept alive by its stellar line-up of old and new cast members, all with unique tales of perseverance and passion. From Akho Narwele, a club juggling and group acro enthusiast, to Masizakhe Kovi, a passionate handstand artist, and Silumko Ndulula, a seasoned performer known for his versatility – the MOYA stage is set to come alive with an array of talent.
Finally, a show as spellbinding as MOYA wouldn’t be complete without an equally captivating venue. The Teatro at Montecasino will be buzzing with the energy of the Zip Zap Circus from 31 August to 10 September 2023. A captivating extravaganza, MOYA promises to transport audiences into a world where dreams take flight, spirits soar, and hearts sing.
So Joburg, ready yourselves, because the circus is coming back to town. And it’s bringing with it a wave of excitement, wonder, and the essence of the South African spirit. This isn’t just another show; it’s an adventure waiting to whisk you away into a world of magic, talent and human resilience. Buckle up for the ride, because MOYA is back with new acts, original music, fresh faces and the same magic that has made it an unmissable spectacle.

MOYA runs for 1h20 with no interval and is appropriate for all ages from 3 years, with ticket prices ranging from R200 – R300. Bookings are via Quicket